Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Start Out Strong

Dream catching is all about speaking from your heart. You need to be able to hear what it has to say so that you can express yourself accordingly. Sometimes your heart needs to be nurtured and sometimes it needs to be challenged. But sometimes you have NO IDEA what it needs!

When you find that moment when your heart speaks to you in a way that cannot be ignored, just go for it. Those dreams fight fearlessly through the chaos of life and just scream from your heart to your ears. Those are the easy dreams to catch. Like that time my heart screamed so loud “Eat that Ice Cream”. I knew that I had to stop in to the Creamistry and finally taste made-to-order ice cream frozen by liquid nitrogen.  I had seen liquid nitrogen freeze many delicacies on the Food Network channel so once I knew I had the chance to experience it, I took it! (If you want to experience this as well, check out their website and find a location near you!)

But then there are those dreams that are a bit more out of reach. You can feel them but you can’t hear what your heart is saying. This is where you need to be strong and confident. I believe that because I was very confident in who I was growing up, I was able to live out dreams that others couldn't fathom.

Not there yet? Not sure how strong you actually are or unsure of who you could be, well here are a few tips:

1. Talk to Yourself
Look in the mirror every morning and say “Hi Gorgeous, you look like a strong and confident person today. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish on this fine day.” You might feel a little crazy the first few times, guaranteed. But I promise this is the way you need to start your day. And don’t just say it in your head because you don’t want your roommate to know you talk to yourself. Say it LOUD and PROUD!! The more you say it and the more you boost yourself up, you’ll start to feel it. Oh and let me tell you, it feels good to feel strong.

2. Quiet your Mind
Life is loud. Life is chaotic. And sometimes you just need a moment. So take that moment at least once a day. When you wake up in the morning, in the middle of the day, or before you go to sleep, sit for 15 minutes and relax. Focus on your breathing and just let everything go. Close your eyes and forget about the world. Check in with yourself, feel the blood in your veins and the muscles that move you each day. Stopping the chaos will help you hear what your heart has to say.

3. Find your inner Badass
After you have started talking to yourself and quieted your mind you can start to find who you are. Each day write down every single moment that made you smile or warmed your heart. And as you start to pile up napkins and receipts and other pieces of paper with your happy moments on them you will find a trend. You will see experiences and sounds and tastes that repeat. These are your passions. It’s as simple as that! And once you understand your passions, you have found your badassness. Take this and soar my friend – you now have endless possibilities to live this one, badass life of yours. 

These three tips have worked for me; I can’t be positive they will work for you but give them a try. I talk to myself, I quiet my mind, and I have discovered some of my passions, and with these I feel strong and confident. I feel balanced and healthy. And these good feelings fuel me with energy to catch every dream my heart screams or whispers to me. 

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