You know that voice in your head that interrupts your dreams and goals. It’s the voice that reminds you that your idea is stupid or that you couldn’t possibly reach it. Well I hear it ALL the time! I call it my Mean Girl – she’s always tearing me down for NO reason. It’s so hard to quiet this voice or to not listen. You start to believe what its saying and become discouraged. You start to feel worthless and incapable of reaching your goals so you stop dreaming.
Never stop reaching for the stars!
Feeling incapable and inadequate is unfair; there is no reason why you can’t reach a specific goal. There will always be a way so NEVER stop believing! There are a few tricks that I use to shut down the voice and remind myself that I CAN DO IT.
Why Not? Listen to what your voice is saying and ask why not; figure out what is holding you back. Usually what’s holding you back is not genuine, it’s something that you can easily fix or solve. Or it’s a little bit of fear getting in the way. Just take a moment to come up with a plan to find the courage and eliminate the obstacle.
Who Says? You can also ask yourself who says; figure out who told you you can’t reach that goal. Most likely you’ll come up with yourself, the media, or maybe even a friend. If it’s you, that’s just fear talking again (find that courage!). If it’s the media, remember that those ads and everything else are marketing; they trick you into feeling a certain way so you will believe them and buy their product. Nothing is real in the media, it’s all exaggeration! And finally, if it’s a friend, go talk to them. Find out if it’s coming from a good, caring place or maybe a place of jealousy. Talk it out!
Just remember, it’s your dream and nothing but your heart and soul matters!
I know I’m not the only one with this voice in my head. What does your voice say? What do you do to keep it from sharing it's opinions? Comment below!
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