I am thankful for my Father. We have not always agreed on things but he knows that whatever I choose it is right for me. We are the same person so he knows how strong I am; he know's that I can make it through everything. His support means the most to me, when he's proud I know I'm doing something right.
I am thankful for my Mother. She knows me better than I know myself. When I feel lost she is my guiding light. She is and will always be my best friend - our connection is magical and nothing in this world could ever compare.
I am thankful for my Sister. As much as I have tried to not be her, I am finding that as I grow older, she is the type of woman I want to become. She is kind, she is a leader, and she is crazy. And when I say crazy, it is the most fun, silly, energetic, and contagious crazy there is. She reminds me to let go and enjoy my life.
I am thankful for my Brother-In-Law. I have known him for half of my life. And I would say that half has been the better half. He always puts his loved ones first and has made sacrifices for them. He is smart and intelligent in a way that I could never be. He is a gentleman; the kind that if the men in my life do not compare, they are left behind.
I am thankful for my Boyfriend. He is a man that is very different from the people I grew up with. He teaches me to slow down and take each day one at a time. He has this magic that clears my mind of stress and fear. His words are few but when they are present, they fill me up with happiness and support. He has millions of fun facts that make each day exciting.
I could list so many other family members, friends, mentors but that would get excessive. Each person who has touched my life has left a mark. Positive or negative, I have learned from both and I am SO grateful.
Take today to reflect - think about the people, the experiences, the things in your life that have left an impact. Let me know what made your list in a comment below!
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