My first memorable attempt at Dream Catching would be attending college in Southern California to make my way into the Fashion Industry. This had been a dream of mine since the 6th grade. At that time I was designing clothes whenever I got the chance, usually during the math lesson in school on the side of my notebook. As I went through middle school and high school I then realized that instead of being a Designer, I wanted to work within the Costume Department for movies and television. This is when I convinced myself I needed to be at school near Hollywood, CA.

The first step to reaching this goal was to enter a contest to win a chance to go to the Teen Vogue Headquarters in New York City for seminars with Industry Professionals. The application had essay questions and requested designs of my own. I spent two nights after school writing the best answers and creating my most desirable designs. I was accepted; it was a three day weekend event and my mother, aunt, and sister all joined me. This is the event that made ALL of my college applications stand out. I had something unique to offer.
The second step was just believing in myself. I understood that the best place for me to learn was to be right near all the action. There was no question about where I needed to be and unfortunately, that was 3,000 miles away from anything that I knew. I felt so passionately about being a part of the Fashion Industry so I let that drive me. I did not let fear or uncertainty get in my way. I took a deep breath, and silently said “I CAN DO THIS”. I had the guts to go after what I wanted. It was also a HUGE help that my family believed that I would always choose what was best for me. And with a strong support system, believing in yourself can be easy.
With just two steps I caught my dream of moving to California for college and started reaching towards my next goal. So what can you take from this experience of mine;
Sometimes those unique opportunities might not be available; don’t be discouraged, create your own opportunity to stand out! And sometimes you might not have a support system, but who cares; it’s not their dream anyways! It’s the dream that YOU want to catch - give it every reason to be caught!
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