Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays

The next few days will be crazy for most of you! The holidays can be daunting but magical at the same time. You look forward to seeing family and friends, drinking egg nog and eating cookies, and of course giving and receiving gifts. But to enjoy all of those you need to make plans with everyone you know, you have to actually find the time to bake those cookies and go shopping for those gifts, not to mention figure out what to even buy! I think stress is listed next to Holiday in the dictionary, tell me if I’m wrong (hehe).

Well to prepare myself I explored the internet for some answers and survival tips! I came across a great article on the I AM THAT GIRL Blog called Give Back to YOU This Holiday Season. It talks about the stress of putting yourself first during this time. You’re stretched thin with plans and “we are taught to be good friends and to please others from a young age. When the holidays approach, it can be so easy to say yes, when you really should say no. There are unsaid expectations…”. This article gives you plenty of tips to balance out your time and to actually enjoy the holidays.

But I want to give you another tip: Try Something New!

Now that you know how to say “no” and are prioritizing better, you can find that moment to catch your dream! Pick one that is easier to catch of course, you only have a short window of time. Try that new food you've been wondering about. Read that book that’s been staring at you from the shelf. Talk to that cutie on the other side of the bar! Do something new and exciting – the holidays ARE magical so don’t waste it. You can feel it in the air and hear it in the wind, you might even taste it in the water (I taste it in the wine!). Use this magic to encourage yourself to experiment and explore. It's easier than you think, especially when you can include those family members and friends in the experience, kill to birds with one stone! 

Let me know what dream you caught this Holiday season in a comment below! Something new for you might be new to somebody else too, inspire us! 

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