Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

This being a blog about dream catching you can assume that I’ll tell you to catch a dream in 2015! And that’s exactly what I want you to do!
The start of something new is always a great time to set a goal. So let’s work on those New Year’s Resolutions. (Let's catch a dream!) Sometimes they are easy to come up with and other times you have no idea what to do. You might not even want to think of one because you know you’ll forget about it in a month. But let’s make 2015 a more successful year!

  1. Think about the goal that you always say you’ll accomplish that next week, next month, next year, and make THAT 2015’s resolution.  
  2. Open up your calendar and mark 1 month reminders and 3 month check-ins. Or find the best way to remind yourself to check in on that resolution.
  3. Make a plan for at least one month on how you want to start to tackle this goal. Make it easy for yourself because starting is always the hardest part! 
    • For example, if you want to eat healthier, make a weekly grocery list and find some go-to recipes. Make sure to follow the list at the store and do not buy any extras (this will help your finances too). Also, try to shop the outside of the store, that’s usually all of the whole foods and unprocessed items!
  4. Find a friend, family member, or mentor you can count on who can help motivate you when you feel discouraged. This person can hold you accountable and in the end, help you catch that dream! 

I hope these tips help you! I look forward to using them myself. My current New Year’s resolution is to calm my road rage. It stresses me out and is wasted energy, I’d much rather deal with it and enjoy or at least tolerate the traffic in SoCal. Essentially this is me reaching for a more peaceful lifestyle, a current dream of mine. Do you have any ideas on how I can make a plan for this resolution? Let me know in a comment below!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays

The next few days will be crazy for most of you! The holidays can be daunting but magical at the same time. You look forward to seeing family and friends, drinking egg nog and eating cookies, and of course giving and receiving gifts. But to enjoy all of those you need to make plans with everyone you know, you have to actually find the time to bake those cookies and go shopping for those gifts, not to mention figure out what to even buy! I think stress is listed next to Holiday in the dictionary, tell me if I’m wrong (hehe).

Well to prepare myself I explored the internet for some answers and survival tips! I came across a great article on the I AM THAT GIRL Blog called Give Back to YOU This Holiday Season. It talks about the stress of putting yourself first during this time. You’re stretched thin with plans and “we are taught to be good friends and to please others from a young age. When the holidays approach, it can be so easy to say yes, when you really should say no. There are unsaid expectations…”. This article gives you plenty of tips to balance out your time and to actually enjoy the holidays.

But I want to give you another tip: Try Something New!

Now that you know how to say “no” and are prioritizing better, you can find that moment to catch your dream! Pick one that is easier to catch of course, you only have a short window of time. Try that new food you've been wondering about. Read that book that’s been staring at you from the shelf. Talk to that cutie on the other side of the bar! Do something new and exciting – the holidays ARE magical so don’t waste it. You can feel it in the air and hear it in the wind, you might even taste it in the water (I taste it in the wine!). Use this magic to encourage yourself to experiment and explore. It's easier than you think, especially when you can include those family members and friends in the experience, kill to birds with one stone! 

Let me know what dream you caught this Holiday season in a comment below! Something new for you might be new to somebody else too, inspire us! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How I Discovered My Latest Dream

How about that job search? Tough, right? Can't find a job you want, that you're qualified for, or just can't get an interview?
Been there, Done that. It's not fun at all.

I graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications with a nice looking resume in December 2011. However, I didn't find a job until April 2012. Oh and the best part, it was a Sales Associate job, part-time with no benefits. So of course I had to get a second job - got that one in June, as a Sales Associate again. Fortunately, my parents were willing and able to help support me for a while. 

But during this time I still had no idea what I wanted to do with life. I had entered the real world with no clue about a career. I was applying to Administrative Assistant positions because I knew I could easily handle the work and that would provide benefits and the financial stability I needed to survive on my own. Did I want to be someone's assistant, NO WAY! I'm a strong, confident woman who knows she has SO much to offer this world, I just had no idea what to offer.
Then one day after one of my part-time jobs, I was driving along PCH, the pacific coast highway with a gorgeous view of the sunset. I was heading into Huntington Beach and started to wonder about what my passions actually are. Clueless, I then decided to think about what I have done or enjoyed that was consistent in my life. I came up with FASHION - I had wanted to be a designer in the past and still really enjoy the industry, it is creative and expressive. I also came up with GIVING BACK - I find heart-warming joy by helping others and making a positive impact on my community, always have. So now what? I knew what my passion were but how do I turn those into a career?

And it hit me with one song, my iPod was looking out for me:

Everything started to click. I have always had a strong self-esteem (btw I do have bad days) and it always bothered me when my girlfriends, sister, and mother would listen to their mean girl and put themselves down. They never felt pretty enough or good enough and it pained me. I realized I can fix that! This was my GIVING BACK passion. I was starting to narrow things down; powered by excitement, I racked my brain to figure out how to tie FASHION into this. DING! DING! A retail store! 

So here I am, driving home on a random afternoon from a lame job, thinking about how miserable my life at the time was and I have now discovered the next dream I need to catch. I am going to open a boutique that promotes positive self-esteem and provides young girls with tools to gain more self-love. 

How can you apply this to your next dream?
  1. Figure out what experiences, skills, or interests have been consistent in your life.
  2. Dive head first into these passions and narrow them down to something specific.
  3. Do some research and see what types of jobs are out there, who in your network has experience in those industries. 
  4. Do everything you can to reach that ideal position - work hard and make that passion your career!

The key to it all is to be creative. Set some time aside, go hide in a place you feel most creative and just think. Listen to your heart! And if you need help comment below, we're on this journey together! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A 'Thank You' Note Can Get You Anywhere

Picture this, an 18 year old small town girl from Massachusetts, with little to no fashion show experience, solely in charge of the extremely delicate African jewelry at LA Fashion Week. You’re probably thinking “How the heck did she end up there?” – I know I was thinking that at the time!
It turns out that I got there by one Thank You email. Listen to your mothers; they’re right about sending thank you notes for everything and anything! 

Backstage at the YMI Show
So here’s the story: I was a wide-eyed freshman at Woodbury University in Burbank, CA as a Fashion Design major. Our department sent out an email regarding an opportunity to volunteer at a YMI Jeans Fashion Show. Without hesitation my peers and I said yes. We drove out to Los Angeles not knowing what to expect but I knew I wanted to experience it all. This was exactly what I dreamed of when I was younger. When we arrived, we met Todd Hallman, the show Producer. We started unpacking his car with the clothes and set items. Once everything was unpacked I was eager for our next task and asked what I could do. Impressed by my devotion to the job, he put me in charge of the Models. I made sure they had everything they needed and assigned “dressers” to each model. (Dressers help the models with their quick changes). When the show started, it was go, go, go! It was fast, exciting, and invigorating. A rush I had NEVER experienced. Not to mention Brittany Snow was the host – my first celebrity encounter!!

That weekend all I felt was gratitude; "the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness". And this is where my Thank You note came into play. I did a little research and obtained Mr. Hallman’s email address. That Monday I sent an email thanking him for the opportunity and offered up my services for any other event in his future. To my surprise he was ready for me! I was asked to assist him with a Styling job and with the show he was producing for Kevan Hall at LA Fashion Week. (Cue the jaw drop!)

I ended up at Paula Newsome’s home to help pick out her red carpet outfit for the premiere of her new television series, The Women’s Murder Club. That same weekend I watched models come in for their fittings for the Spring 2008 Kevan Hall show. (Second celebrity sighting, Eugena Washington from America’s Next Top Model). I even assisted the designer with choosing which jewelry to pair with the designs. I showed my gratitude and devotion with every task I was given – even when I was picking up millions of pins from the carpet floor. It was “bitch” work but I was just so blessed to even be in that room with industry veterans. Once at the show, instead of being another dresser, I was in charge of the jewelry. It was imported on a loan from the Dinka and Masai tribes, extremely delicate and apparently only trusted to be handled by me. Each model slipped into their outfit and I put on their bracelets, necklaces, and crowns before they strutted their stuff on the runway. The final design was a white dress adorned with traditional African pieces. It was absolutely beautiful – a mix of cultures, colors, and textures. Watch the show here!

I spent a weekend living out everything I had dreamed of since the 6th grade. I was enveloped by the Fashion World and it was more than amazing. At the time I just thought that was the life of a Fashion Design major in California. But now when I look back, it is all because of that one moment of gratitude. I took 5 minutes out of my day and ended up creating an opportunity of a lifetime. 

All YOU have to do is appreciate what’s in front of you and be grateful. Acting on those emotions WILL create positive experiences for you. 

Is there something in your life that you’re grateful for? Comment below and we can discover your next move to create that once in a lifetime experience like I did!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The First Dream I Caught

My first memorable attempt at Dream Catching would be attending college in Southern California to make my way into the Fashion Industry. This had been a dream of mine since the 6th grade. At that time I was designing clothes whenever I got the chance, usually during the math lesson in school on the side of my notebook. As I went through middle school and high school I then realized that instead of being a Designer, I wanted to work within the Costume Department for movies and television. This is when I convinced myself I needed to be at school near Hollywood, CA. 

The first step to reaching this goal was to enter a contest to win a chance to go to the Teen Vogue Headquarters in New York City for seminars with Industry Professionals. The application had essay questions and requested designs of my own. I spent two nights after school writing the best answers and creating my most desirable designs. I was accepted; it was a three day weekend event and my mother, aunt, and sister all joined me. This is the event that made ALL of my college applications stand out. I had something unique to offer.

The second step was just believing in myself. I understood that the best place for me to learn was to be right near all the action. There was no question about where I needed to be and unfortunately, that was 3,000 miles away from anything that I knew. I felt so passionately about being a part of the Fashion Industry so I let that drive me. I did not let fear or uncertainty get in my way. I took a deep breath, and silently said “I CAN DO THIS”. I had the guts to go after what I wanted. It was also a HUGE help that my family believed that I would always choose what was best for me. And with a strong support system, believing in yourself can be easy.

With just two steps I caught my dream of moving to California for college and started reaching towards my next goal. So what can you take from this experience of mine; 


Sometimes those unique opportunities might not be available; don’t be discouraged, create your own opportunity to stand out! And sometimes you might not have a support system, but who cares; it’s not their dream anyways! It’s the dream that YOU want to catch - give it every reason to be caught!

Comment below and share the dreams you've caught! 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my Father. We have not always agreed on things but he knows that whatever I choose it is right for me. We are the same person so he knows how strong I am; he know's that I can make it through everything. His support means the most to me, when he's proud I know I'm doing something right.

I am thankful for my Mother. She knows me better than I know myself. When I feel lost she is my guiding light. She is and will always be my best friend - our connection is magical and nothing in this world could ever compare.

I am thankful for my Sister. As much as I have tried to not be her, I am finding that as I grow older, she is the type of woman I want to become. She is kind, she is a leader, and she is crazy. And when I say crazy, it is the most fun, silly, energetic, and contagious crazy there is. She reminds me to let go and enjoy my life.

I am thankful for my Brother-In-Law. I have known him for half of my life. And I would say that half has been the better half. He always puts his loved ones first and has made sacrifices for them. He is smart and intelligent in a way that I could never be. He is a gentleman; the kind that if the men in my life do not compare, they are left behind.

I am thankful for my Boyfriend. He is a man that is very different from the people I grew up with. He teaches me to slow down and take each day one at a time. He has this magic that clears my mind of stress and fear. His words are few but when they are present, they fill me up with happiness and support. He has millions of fun facts that make each day exciting.
I could list so many other family members, friends, mentors but that would get excessive. Each person who has touched my life has left a mark. Positive or negative, I have learned from both and I am SO grateful.

Take today to reflect - think about the people, the experiences, the things in your life that have left an impact. Let me know what made your list in a comment below!

Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Start Out Strong

Dream catching is all about speaking from your heart. You need to be able to hear what it has to say so that you can express yourself accordingly. Sometimes your heart needs to be nurtured and sometimes it needs to be challenged. But sometimes you have NO IDEA what it needs!

When you find that moment when your heart speaks to you in a way that cannot be ignored, just go for it. Those dreams fight fearlessly through the chaos of life and just scream from your heart to your ears. Those are the easy dreams to catch. Like that time my heart screamed so loud “Eat that Ice Cream”. I knew that I had to stop in to the Creamistry and finally taste made-to-order ice cream frozen by liquid nitrogen.  I had seen liquid nitrogen freeze many delicacies on the Food Network channel so once I knew I had the chance to experience it, I took it! (If you want to experience this as well, check out their website and find a location near you!)

But then there are those dreams that are a bit more out of reach. You can feel them but you can’t hear what your heart is saying. This is where you need to be strong and confident. I believe that because I was very confident in who I was growing up, I was able to live out dreams that others couldn't fathom.

Not there yet? Not sure how strong you actually are or unsure of who you could be, well here are a few tips:

1. Talk to Yourself
Look in the mirror every morning and say “Hi Gorgeous, you look like a strong and confident person today. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish on this fine day.” You might feel a little crazy the first few times, guaranteed. But I promise this is the way you need to start your day. And don’t just say it in your head because you don’t want your roommate to know you talk to yourself. Say it LOUD and PROUD!! The more you say it and the more you boost yourself up, you’ll start to feel it. Oh and let me tell you, it feels good to feel strong.

2. Quiet your Mind
Life is loud. Life is chaotic. And sometimes you just need a moment. So take that moment at least once a day. When you wake up in the morning, in the middle of the day, or before you go to sleep, sit for 15 minutes and relax. Focus on your breathing and just let everything go. Close your eyes and forget about the world. Check in with yourself, feel the blood in your veins and the muscles that move you each day. Stopping the chaos will help you hear what your heart has to say.

3. Find your inner Badass
After you have started talking to yourself and quieted your mind you can start to find who you are. Each day write down every single moment that made you smile or warmed your heart. And as you start to pile up napkins and receipts and other pieces of paper with your happy moments on them you will find a trend. You will see experiences and sounds and tastes that repeat. These are your passions. It’s as simple as that! And once you understand your passions, you have found your badassness. Take this and soar my friend – you now have endless possibilities to live this one, badass life of yours. 

These three tips have worked for me; I can’t be positive they will work for you but give them a try. I talk to myself, I quiet my mind, and I have discovered some of my passions, and with these I feel strong and confident. I feel balanced and healthy. And these good feelings fuel me with energy to catch every dream my heart screams or whispers to me. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Welcome, Let's Dream Catch!

My dreams are big and small. To reach them is NOT an easy task. We all know this; we all have ideas of who we want to be and where we want to go. Therefore, I want to share my experiences with dream catching and hope to inspire YOU to try catching some of your own!

I have caught a few and I will share those stories. I will share the struggle and celebration of each glorious adventure. From turning a thank you note into the best decision of my 20-something life to feeding the largest animal I had ever seen slices of pineapple!

I also want to share with you my current prosecution: entrepreneurship! I have just started this adventure and I want to share every bump in the road and umph in triumph. This is dream catching in motion people!

So while you can read about success stories here, you can also join me in dream catching. You can learn about how I take on my goals and hopefully learn a trick or two for your own success stories. And of course, I need to gain some knowledge from YOUR experiences.

What do you say? Let’s DREAM CATCH! 
Leave a comment and share your dreams and next adventure.

(Obtained photo from Casey Frisch on Pinterest)